Some Properties and Mathematical Models of the Efficient Frontier in Portfolio Investment 组合投资中有效边界的一些性质和模型
Optimal Portfolio Investment Model Under the New Risk Concept 新风险概念下的最优证券组合投资模型
Retained earnings of direct investment are included in data on investment income, but this is not the case for portfolio investment. 直接投资的留存收益包含在投资收入数据中,但对于组合投资却并非如此。
But this remains a portfolio investment, and Japanese banks know how fickle such things are. 但这仍是一笔组合投资,日本的银行知道这种投资有多么变幻无常。
Balance of payments trends clearly demonstrate Taiwan's increasing dependence on external demand and foreign portfolio investment. 国际收支状况的走势清晰地表明台湾经济的增长日趋依赖外部需求及流入证券市场的外资。
Risk Composition and Mathematical Analysis of Portfolio Investment 组合证券投资的风险构成与数理分析
In addition, he says, the portfolio investment that a fund offers helps spread the risk. 另外,他表示,基金提供的组合投资有助于分散风险。
International financing is broken down into bank lending, portfolio investment and direct investment. 国际金融分为银行信贷、有价证券投资和直接投资。
Portfolio investment ( bonds and equities) has gone up. 有价证券投资(债券和股票)增加了。
Portfolio investment: it covers all international transactions in assets and liabilities. 证券投资。它包括所有资产和负债的国际交易。
The evidence on whether portfolio investment affects growth is even more sparse than the evidence on FDI. 有关有价证券投资是否影响经济增长的证据比有关外国直接投资的证据更加稀少。
The author inquiers into preliminarily profits and risks of portfolio investment and makes use of variance and expectation to describe the rate of negotiable securities investment. 本文初步探讨有关组合证券的收益与风险,利用均值和方差来描述证券投资收益率。
The study for the portfolio investment in the measurement of maximum risk 最大风险度量的组合投资问题的研究
This increases the stability of the world economy, because FDI is a less volatile form of international capital flow than portfolio investment. 这增强了全球经济的稳定性,因为相对于组合投资而言,外国直接投资是一种波动性更小的国际资本流动形式。
On condition that price process is geometric Brownian motion, a multi-objective programming model for the portfolio investment is established by minimizing the risk and maximizing the return. 在证券的价格过程是几何布朗运动的前提下,建立了最优投资组合的多目标规划模型,使得投资收益最大和投资风险最小,并利用线性加权和法求得有效解。
Foreign portfolio investment covers all international transactions with an original maturity of more than one year, such as the purchase of shares from a foreign corporation. 外国有价证券投资包括期限在一年以上的国际交易。比如,购买外国公司的股票。
Portfolio investment is the main form of the foreign indirect investment. 有价证券投资是对外间接投资的主要形式。
Portfolio investment in the form of 'China funds' has also become increasingly popular. “中国基金”形式的投资组合亦渐受欢迎。
Portfolio investment is a long-term investment in which the investor does not exercise any managerial control. 有价证券投资是一种长期投资,投资者不行使任何的经营管理权。
As the reform and development of traditional Asst allocation, risk budgetingis becoming the advanced issue of contemporary portfolio investment theory andpractice. 而作为传统资产配置的继承和发展,风险预算已经成为当代证券投资理论和实践中的前沿问题。
In this paper, the portfolio investment model with probability criterion is investigated. 提出一种基于概率准则的新型组合证券投资模型。
A portfolio investment is the investment of money in the securities of a foreign company. 证券投资就是将资本投入外国证券市场。
A Probe to Margin Analysis of Portfolio Investment Assets Allocation 组合证券投资资产配置的边际分析法初探
A Study on the Model of Portfolio Investment Decision Based on Tracking Error 基于跟踪误差的证券组合投资决策模型研究
Every fund company hires professional investor to manage portfolio investment of the fund, it is called portfolio manager. 每个基金公司都会雇佣投资专业人士来管理基金的投资组合,通常称他们为投资组合管理者。
Under the uncertainty of the investor ′ s return of risk assets, an optimal portfolio investment model ia obtained is obtained. 在投资者的风险资产的收益不确定的条件下,给出了最优资产组合选择的投资模型。
We survey several mechanisms that explain the composition of international capital flows: foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment and debt flows ( bank loans and bonds). 我们研究了阐明国际资本流动组成的机制,其中包括,外国直接投资,外国证券投资和债务流动(银行贷款和债券)。
I course: money and banking, insurance, public finance, finance engineering, finance law, investment, portfolio investment, central banks, commercial banks and other subjects. 我的专业课程有:货币银行学,保险学,财政学,金融工程,金融法,投资学,证券投资学,中央银行学,商业银行学等科目。
Research of ultimate ruin probability problem with portfolio investment 组合投资策略下的最终破产概率问题研究